Final 2003 Western Wheelers Sequoia Century Route Sheets
See bottom of page for version history.
The text at the top of the map page is the same as last year, except the
order of phone numbers will be reversed (408 number first), so let me know if
any changes are needed. The important thing is how the files look when printed
out on 8 1/2" x 11" paper on a 1200 dpi or better printer using
Acrobat 5.0 or Acrobat Reader
5.0 or higher. In the Acrobat Reader "Print" dialog box, do NOT check
"Shrink oversized pages to paper size", do NOT check "Expand small pages to
paper size", and DO check "Auto-rotate and center pages". In order to get the
best possible quality in the printout, I disabled bicubic downsampling in Adobe
Acrobat. This resulted in a large file size for the maps. Send comments to me,
Carol Shaw. Thanks.
If you have trouble viewing the PDF files in your browser, try right-clicking
on the link and selecting "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." from the
pop-up menu, save the file on your computer, and then open the file in Acrobat
Reader. These files were generated with Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 using the Acrobat
5.0 (PDF 1.4) compatibility setting.
Arrow color assignments are the same as last year. The plan is to print all
of the route sheets on white paper, and to indicate in the text which color of
arrows to follow:
50-km: yellow
Moderate 100-km: blue
Hilly 100-km: orange
200-km: white
Changes made on 4/17/2003:
Updated all 5 maps. Changes are:
version number to v1.1.
Put 408 phone number first.
Added text box for
arrow colors at upper right of street map section: "Follow the XXX arrows",
where "XXX" is the appropriate color for each route.
Changes made on 4/16/2003:
Uploaded all 5 tables, v1.1.
100-km Moderate
table has been changed from last year from Airport Blvd. to Oracle Parkway.
(Part of the bike path may be closed.)
Added text for arrow colors at top of
page: "Follow the XXX arrows", where "XXX" is the appropriate color for each
50-km table: Reduced "Notes" column width from 58.14 to 48. Results in
larger text when fit to 1 page is done in Excel.
Changes made on 4/11/2003:
Uploaded 100-km moderate map. Changes from last
year are:
Moved "Canada Rd." label.
Changed route in vicinity of Coyote
Point. (Part of bike path may be closed.)
Added "near high voltage
Added "Island Pkwy."
Moved "SF Bay Trail" in profile. (Riders
enter trail later in route than last year.) Profile otherwise
Reversed order of ride headquarters phone numbers (408 number
Changes made on 3/16/2003:
Added maps v1.0 for all but 100-km moderate.
Changes from last year: changed year to "2003".
Changes made on 2/23/2003:
Uploaded this 2003 Sequoia web page.
updated: 4/17/2003 by Carol Shaw.